Get Rid of Mold in the HomeThere are few places that are free of mold spores. These microscopic spores can't be seen by the naked eye, but they linger in kitchens, bathrooms and the air inside people's homes. They can wait for years for the perfect situation to grow and cause the unsightly stains and unpleasant smells of a mold infestation. Full mold remediation requires a few changes to the home to ensure that this menace does not return.

What Is Mold?

Mold and mildew are funguses. They can show up as speckles in areas of the home that have high levels of humidity and low levels of ventilation. Bathrooms, closets and basements are all common sites for mold in the home.

Mold can take on a number of colours, including black, pink and green. While there are many…

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Bay Head, NJ's Best Lunch SpotsBay Head, NJ has a reputation for being a great town to live, work, and play. But what about eating? For people who live there and those who are visiting, there are some amazing lunch spots to consider. A lot of what makes one spot better than another will be subjective depending on the kind of food a person is looking for. But still, there are spots that stand out simply because of the quality of the food, the good service, and other factors. Here are some of the best lunch spots in Bay Head to consider the next time a good meal is sought after.

Charlie's of Bay Head

When someone in the Bay Head area is looking for a classy dining spot with upscale fare and options, Charlie's of Bay Head is the logical choice. There's a full bar, a patio…

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How Do Credit Scores Affect Home Loans?A surprising number of Americans do not know their own credit scores, despite the power these numbers have. In a recent survey on a financial literacy site, almost 30% of respondents admitted that they didn't know their credit scores. The issue was most prevalent among those under 30 and those making less than $30,000 a year. While personal finance and credit can be intimidating, understanding this area can make all the difference in the dream of owning a home. Learning a bit more about where credit scores come from and how consumers can enhance theirs is a great place to start.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a financial advisor before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Common Scoring Methods

Even among…

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